Got Pickup Lines App in Pocket

Frequently Asked Questions

These are common questions asked by customers of the app. If you son’t see your question here, feel free to use the form below to contact us. We will usually get back to you within 24 hours.

Sometimes the fix is as easy as updating your credit card information, but it could be a number of other things.
Below are the links to both iOS App Store and Google Play’s help pages:


Google Play:

Unfortunately, no. You will have to repurchase to use the app on the other platform since the two app stores are completely independent and cannot issue credits to one another.

Probably not. We, as well as the user base, are constantly adding new lines to the database. That means new lines are being added every month. You can sort the lines by date submitted instead of the default alphabetical, by tapping the most recent icon (bottom menu). That way, you can always see the newest content on the app.

Firstly, you won’t find a comparable app to this in any app store. Nothing is as feature rich, with user generated content and feedback. Secondly, this is not just an collection of pickup lines. It contains a full arsenal of conversation pieces to aid you in your dating and seduction game. Everything is indexed to make things as intuitive and easy to access withing as few taps as possible.

The search feature CAN NOT be used from the home screen.

Advanced search now lets you search for lines within a category. Simply tap a category or subcategory, then tap the purple search icon in the middle of the screen (not at the top). On the next screen, at the top, enter either a keyword or an entire phrase and results appear instantly!

You can save your favorite lines by navigating to the line in the app and tapping the bookmark icon. The icon will become solid indicating that the line has been saved to your bookmarks. Your list is accessible by tapping the bookmarks menu item at the bottom of any screen.

Your line was submitted and will be reviewed for posting within 48 hours. The form is reset in case the user wants to enter more than one content item. To leave this form without entering a new line, simply tap ‘Cancel’.

To leave a note or comment, simply navigate to the detailed view of the desired line and scroll down to “Related Comments by Helpfulness.” Directly below this tap the words “Submit New” (not to be confused with the ‘Submit New +’ icon in the bottom menu). Select the type of comment you are leaving and enter your comment in the description field. Your comment will be reviewed for posting within 24 hours.

For the App Store, you must use a computer:

  1. Open iTunes, go to the Account menu (top of the screen) and select View My Account…
  2. Log in.
  3. It may take a second or 3 for the account to appear in the iTunes window.
  4. Scroll down near the bottom, you’ll see a section called Settings. The first setting is your Nickname, and there is an Edit nickname button to the right.

In the Google Play Store:

  1. Log in to your Google account at:
  2. Click on “edit/modify” close to the e-mail addresses in the Google account setting
  3. Then the hidden nickname option appears.
  4. Select and change or add a new nickname.

First off make sure your devices are using the same account. AppleID for iOS and Google Account user name for Android devices.

If you do not see the app listed under My Apps…

For Android: Clear cache & data from Google Play Services
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open your Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps & notifications. App info or See all apps.
  3. Tap Google Play Services.
  4. Tap Storage or Storage & cache. Clear cache.
  5. Tap Clear storage Clear all data. OK.
  6. Open the Google Play Store, then try your download again.
  7. If this fails, restart phone and try again.
For iOS: Sign Out of your Purchases and then Sign In
  1. On your iOS phone or tablet, open your Settings app.
  2. Tap your Name at the top (Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases)
  3. Tap Media & Purchases
  4. Tap Sign Out
  5. Count to 5, then sign in again. You will be asked for payment information. The apps should now show up in the Purchased Tab in the App Store.
  6. If this fails, restart the phone and try again.

As long as your replacement phone is on the same platform and using the same Apple ID or Google account, both the App Store and Google Play allow you to restore all of your apps to your new device. In other words, this is not an issue.

Not for any reason. The Appstore and Google Play have different criteria for returning apps and they also vary by country.

Appstore refund requests within 90 days of purchase can be made here.

Google Play refund requests within 48 hours of purchase can be made here.

  • User Content: Any lines of comments, submitted by you.
  • Identifiers (UUID): A unique identifier (a string of characters) that is unique to your mobile device. This string allows the app to store your bookmarks and identify which content was created using your device.
  • Diagnostics: crash data and usage statistics from your device are stored to help us fix bugs and improve performance.

Simply contact us using the contact below. Please provide the platform, (iOS or Android) and the UUID of the device on which you have the app installed and we’ll take care of the rest.

Contact Us

We’re here to help with any comments, problems or suggestions. Our team usually responds within 24 hrs.


These are icebreakers or conversation starters used to initiate an interaction.

Guys who are experienced in pickup will tailor the opener to the type of woman and to the environment or situation.

Your opener is what forms her first impression of you and it can make or break your interaction.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many newbs approach with a weak or inappropriate opener, only to get blown out immediately.

Most of the cheesy pickup lines found all over the internet are recipes for this kind of failure. After a few attempts, guys who use them develop approach anxiety and fears around talking to strangers.

I get it man, I was there once too.

See, openers aren’t just about being witty or cocky, they’re about originality and the ability to stimulate a woman’s imagination through her emotions.

But guess what? Many openers you might not think are that great, have been proven to work when tested over and over infield.

You see, emotional stimulation doesn’t always mean making her feel butterflies and rainbows. Sometimes it means making her feel JEALOUSY, UNCERTAINTY, or FOMO.

That’s why the openers in this app have ratings and notes on originality, delivery tweaks and target choices to make sure you have a high early success rate.

Here’s one of my favorites:

“Hi, I’m Mr. Wrong. I heard we’ve met somewhere before.”

This opener is so much more original than the “Hi, my name is Mr. Right” line that has been so played out, it’s sad.

Every woman by the time she’s in her 20s has been involved with a guy who turned out to be a jerk or a loser, which makes this line so relatable and humorous at the same time.

This app has more openers than you can imagine, including funny, bold, innuendo, situational, indirect, cold read, role play, holiday and dating app, among others.

See a girl in a restaurant, tying her shoe, reading a book, in an elevator, waiting for a bus or sipping a drink at the bar?

It has openers for every situation, as BOLD and COCKY, or as SUBTLE and INDIRECT as needed.

Simply open the app and tap on the type of opener you seek. Then scroll the titles until you find one she’d like.

✓ Daily Challenges -Practice makes perfect. Use the compelling openers in this app to improve your delivery and keep your game sharp.

✓ Conversation Starters for Any Setting -From casual to cheeky, we’ve got openers to fit any scenario—whether you’re at the bar, on a dating app, or anywhere in between.

With a great opener, it’s easy to capture her attention and then transition to a flirtatious conversation that eventually leads to seduction, and this app has so many you’ll never get tired trying new ones on her.

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You will be redirected to Google Play after submitting this form.

*unsubscribe at any time.

Neg Book

If for some reason, you don’t receive my e-mail, hit me up on my Twitter DMs @GotPickupLine so I can make sure you get a copy of my book. Gary

Get Your Free Bonus

Just let me know where to send your free bonus e-book after app purchase.

I'll also sign you up for future releases.

You will be redirected to the App Store after submitting this form.

*unsubscribe at any time.

Neg Book

If for some reason, you don’t receive my e-mail, hit me up on my Twitter DMs @GotPickupLine so I can make sure you get a copy of my book. Gary