Kaseem Conquers Cockblocks

Kaseem had a problem. Every time he opened a group of girls, someone would always step in and intercept his attempt, preventing him from engaging his target. Below he explains how he learned to navigate these obstacles and get himself back in the game.

Kaseem with girls
Interviewer: “So Kaseem, give us an example of a typical scenario you encountered with a cockblock.”

Kaseem: “It happens all the time. I’ll see a pretty girl and move in to approach her. Sometimes, I can even deliver my opener, but sure enough, her cockblocking friend (who’s usually the far less attractive one) will step in and say something to stop me dead in my tracks.”

Interviewer: “What type of comment would she make?”

cockblocking femalesKaseem: “Usually it would be something telling me that her friend is unavailable, like ‘She has a boyfriend’ or ‘We’re having a girls night, thanks’ or ‘Sorry, but we’re lesbians’.”

Interviewer: “How would you respond?”

Kaseem: “Man, they would completely shut me down. I wouldn’t know what to say to that. I’d usually just say something like ‘Ok, you ladies have a nice night’ and disappear. This happened so much, that I was beginning to lose hope.”

Interviewer: “Why do you think they do this?”

Kaseem: “There are a couple of reasons why they cockblock. For one, they don’t want to associate with a slut because it looks bad on them; you know birds of a feather flock together. Another reason is just plain hater shit, jealousy. Their hot friend always gets the attention and they get some weird flex from salting your game. It’s like revenge of the Plain Jane. Sometimes, they just do it because they can and they don’t even know why, it’s just normal for them.”

Interviewer: “So, what changed in the way you handle them?”


Kaseem: “I switched up my strategy. Before I approach, now I study the landscape. If I have a wing-man, it’s easy. I figure out who the cockblock is going to be. I open her first and make sure I address all of the members of their group, not just the prettiest one. I have a funny story about myself that I like to tell to get them all laughing. Then I introduce my wingman and he comes in to distract the cockblock while I try to pull the hottie away to another area.”

If I’m alone, it’s definitely a tightrope act. On the one hand, you want to shut down this annoying obstacle, but on the other hand you don’t want her to become combative to the point where she starts insulting you or calls in hired guns (bouncers) to get you 86’ed from the venue. You kind of have to size up the cockblock on a scale of needy submissive orbiter to outright bitch from hell to deliver a measured response. You never want to appear intimidated by the cockblock, but you don’t want to outright insult her either. You want to acknowledge her efforts with humor and confidence while making her question her assertions about you and her own overreaction.

Interviewer: “Great strategy, what about guys who cockblock?

Kaseem: “Yeah, they’re the worst. These white knight orbiters spend their time hovering around these girls keeping anyone from talking to them. Most of them think their chivalry is earning them brownie points for getting at them in the future, but in reality, they’re just tools who live in the friendzone. Sometimes, it’s their gay guy friend who just doesn’t want to look like a loner. Luckily my wing is cool enough to flirt and distract those guys too.”

Interviewer: “How do you use the Got Pickup Lines app in your interactions?”

Kaseem: “I review my favorite cockblock responses and practice saying them a few times before I hit the bar or club. I have three in my head at all times. These work great when you don’t have a wingman, but need to control the cockblock. Some of the lines give you the frame and make her look awkward or foolish if she keeps blocking. Other lines let her know that you’re cool and that she doesn’t need to worry, her friend is in good hands.”

Interviewer: “How do you know which type of line to use?”

phone guyKaseem: “By her initial block, you can tell if she’s jealous, she fears for her friend’s well being or she’s just insecure about being left alone. That’s why you need to have more than one response ready.”

Interviewer: “Thanks Kaseem, looks like you’ve got a solid lock on cockblocks.”

Kaseem no longer struggles with guys or girls who try to thwart his advances, in part, thanks to the app that keeps the cockblocks under control.

Get it on your phone today!


These are icebreakers or conversation starters used to initiate an interaction.

Guys who are experienced in pickup will tailor the opener to the type of woman and to the environment or situation.

Your opener is what forms her first impression of you and it can make or break your interaction.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many newbs approach with a weak or inappropriate opener, only to get blown out immediately.

Most of the cheesy pickup lines found all over the internet are recipes for this kind of failure. After a few attempts, guys who use them develop approach anxiety and fears around talking to strangers.

I get it man, I was there once too.

See, openers aren’t just about being witty or cocky, they’re about originality and the ability to stimulate a woman’s imagination through her emotions.

But guess what? Many openers you might not think are that great, have been proven to work when tested over and over infield.

You see, emotional stimulation doesn’t always mean making her feel butterflies and rainbows. Sometimes it means making her feel JEALOUSY, UNCERTAINTY, or FOMO.

That’s why the openers in this app have ratings and notes on originality, delivery tweaks and target choices to make sure you have a high early success rate.

Here’s one of my favorites:

“Hi, I’m Mr. Wrong. I heard we’ve met somewhere before.”

This opener is so much more original than the “Hi, my name is Mr. Right” line that has been so played out, it’s sad.

Every woman by the time she’s in her 20s has been involved with a guy who turned out to be a jerk or a loser, which makes this line so relatable and humorous at the same time.

This app has more openers than you can imagine, including funny, bold, innuendo, situational, indirect, cold read, role play, holiday and dating app, among others.

See a girl in a restaurant, tying her shoe, reading a book, in an elevator, waiting for a bus or sipping a drink at the bar?

It has openers for every situation, as BOLD and COCKY, or as SUBTLE and INDIRECT as needed.

Simply open the app and tap on the type of opener you seek. Then scroll the titles until you find one she’d like.

✓ Daily Challenges -Practice makes perfect. Use the compelling openers in this app to improve your delivery and keep your game sharp.

✓ Conversation Starters for Any Setting -From casual to cheeky, we’ve got openers to fit any scenario—whether you’re at the bar, on a dating app, or anywhere in between.

With a great opener, it’s easy to capture her attention and then transition to a flirtatious conversation that eventually leads to seduction, and this app has so many you’ll never get tired trying new ones on her.

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If for some reason, you don’t receive my e-mail, hit me up on my Twitter DMs @GotPickupLine so I can make sure you get a copy of my book. Gary