Hi, I’m Gary the former introvert who decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and do whatever it took to get laid or fail trying. I grew up in an American suburb, and like some of you, never really excelled at sports nor was I accepted by the “popular kids.” I kind of just made friends with whomever was into the things I was into, which at the time was computers and reptiles. My mom was upset my senior year when I couldn’t get a girl to go to the prom with me. She ended up setting me up with one of her not so attractive friend’s daughters.
My dad, an academic, never talked to me about women or sex, as these things were beneath him. He preferred to talk about subjects he considered to be “elevated thinking.” Thus, I was raised to be respectful of women and subservient to their needs, but didn’t have a clue on how to attract them. I was a beta male who had one thing going for myself, and that was my enjoyment in solving puzzles. This ability to solve puzzles is what led me to want to solve the biggest quandary of all, women, the way their minds worked, and what made them tick.
I got tired of going out night after night and getting nowhere with women. Guys were always sharing great techniques and routines in the forums, but I would never remember them when I was in front of the females.
I decided it was time to turn the tables, and use technology to my advantage. I collected lines to everywhere I could. I scouted the forum, talked to PUAs infield and in mastermind groups and collected as much data as I could. I devoted thousands of hours to studying this stuff. It consumed all of my free time, as it became my obsession to crack the code of getting good with girls.
I asked guys all over the internet what were their biggest sticking points and what would help them the most in their journey to attract women.
What they told me overwhelmingly, was the same thing I experienced. They wanted attraction ammunition in an easy to use tool that gets results fast. One that screens out the fire from the duds, and provides feedback on how and where these lines work best.
Most of all, they wanted something you could carry in your pocket to use infield and online with lines that actually get women to respond.
I went to work creating a solution to all of the problems that guys have in approaching and communicating with the opposite sex. It took me over a year, and thousands of dollars, but we built it!
P.S.S. Got Pickup Lines is the only app that was created for a player by a player, and honestly, nothing else compares. My app is finally making the game so much easier!
If you follow me on social media @GotPickup, or have used my Skype and phone consultation service, you already know I’m like the Paul Mitchell of pickup. I care for my clients and always deliver only top quality content, most of it for free on twitter. You can buy dollar store brands, but you get what you pay for, and believe me, I’ve tried them all (see comparison chart below).
If a premium app like this can bring you success with women in a very short time, ask yourself, isn’t it worth the cost of an e-book or a couple of drinks?
With technology, the game has changed, have you?Get the app, get the girl!
These are icebreakers or conversation starters used to initiate an interaction.
Guys who are experienced in pickup will tailor the opener to the type of woman and to the environment or situation.
Your opener is what forms her first impression of you and it can make or break your interaction.
Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many newbs approach with a weak or inappropriate opener, only to get blown out immediately.
Most of the cheesy pickup lines found all over the internet are recipes for this kind of failure. After a few attempts, guys who use them develop approach anxiety and fears around talking to strangers.
See, openers aren’t just about being witty or cocky, they’re about originality and the ability to stimulate a woman’s imagination through her emotions.
But guess what? Many openers you might not think are that great, have been proven to work when tested over and over infield.
You see, emotional stimulation doesn’t always mean making her feel butterflies and rainbows. Sometimes it means making her feel JEALOUSY, UNCERTAINTY, or FOMO.
That’s why the openers in this app have ratings and notes on originality, delivery tweaks and target choices to make sure you have a high early success rate.
Here’s one of my favorites:
This opener is so much more original than the “Hi, my name is Mr. Right” line that has been so played out, it’s sad.
Every woman by the time she’s in her 20s has been involved with a guy who turned out to be a jerk or a loser, which makes this line so relatable and humorous at the same time.
This app has more openers than you can imagine, including funny, bold, innuendo, situational, indirect, cold read, role play, holiday and dating app, among others.
See a girl in a restaurant, tying her shoe, reading a book, in an elevator, waiting for a bus or sipping a drink at the bar?
It has openers for every situation, as BOLD and COCKY, or as SUBTLE and INDIRECT as needed.
Simply open the app and tap on the type of opener you seek. Then scroll the titles until you find one she’d like.
✓ Daily Challenges -Practice makes perfect. Use the compelling openers in this app to improve your delivery and keep your game sharp.
✓ Conversation Starters for Any Setting -From casual to cheeky, we’ve got openers to fit any scenario—whether you’re at the bar, on a dating app, or anywhere in between.
With a great opener, it’s easy to capture her attention and then transition to a flirtatious conversation that eventually leads to seduction, and this app has so many you’ll never get tired trying new ones on her.
If for some reason, you don’t receive my e-mail, hit me up on my Twitter DMs @GotPickupLine so I can make sure you get a copy of my book. Gary
If for some reason, you don’t receive my e-mail, hit me up on my Twitter DMs @GotPickupLine so I can make sure you get a copy of my book. Gary